
Look no further for your perfect wedding planner.

Port Antonio Wedding Portland Jamaica

That moment.  That moment when the bride walks down the aisle and meets her groom’s eyes.  It’s a moment frozen in time forever noted as the most romantic, breathtaking vision and memory of a lifetime.  On a couple’s wedding day, these moments are the things that should be on your mind, not the details of the day.

Jamaica has long been a top destination for weddings.  The parish of Portland in Jamaica has forever been acknowledged as the most beautiful parish.  Its lush tropical setting makes for the most beautiful weddings in the Caribbean.  Any style wedding - beach, garden, hotel, jungle, waterfall, mountain, church you name it, Portland has it to offer.  

You as a couple are unique.  Your wedding should reflect that uniqueness.  Enlisting help with planning your big day should never feel like your wedding is a “package”.  No.  We make it a singularly unique, personalized, custom event.  No matter the size or budget.  No matter if you are ‘hands-off’ or completely immersed in every detail.  It’s YOUR day.  We will help make it perfect.

Some things we have to offer:

  • Prepa­ra­tion of documents

  • Acqui­si­tion of Minister’s License – All fees paid

  • Min­is­ter or Officiant to con­duct the Wed­ding Ceremony

  • Two Cer­ti­fied copies of the Mar­riage Certificate

  • Bridal Bou­quet (mix of Fresh Trop­i­cal Blooms)

  • Bou­ton­nière for Groom

  • Bouquet/ boutonniere for additional wedding party

  • Wit­nesses if required

  • Seat­ing for guests

  • Cer­e­mony dec­o­ra­tions which can includ­e dec­o­rated wed­ding arch, aisle run­ner with sprin­kled petals and dec­o­rated sign­ing & cake tables, etc

  • Wed­ding Cake

  • Cham­pagne

  • Round-​trip trans­porta­tion to wed­ding loca­tion for the couple

  • 50 wed­ding pho­tographs on CD

  • Live music

  • Taped musi­cal accompaniment

  • Per­son­al­ized on-​site Wed­ding Coordinator

  • All taxes and ser­vice charges

  • Assistance with pre-wedding festivities

This is a sample list.  For your wedding, we will do whatever possible to make your ideal wedding an easy reality.

Requirements For Getting Married In Jamaica

Before you can get married in Jamaica, there are certain requirements which must be fulfilled. Don't worry, they are not difficult. Here's the list:

  1. You must arrive on the island at least 24 hours before the wedding ceremony

  2. You must have a marriage licence, which should be obtained prior to your arrival. To obtain a marriage licence, certain documentation is required. They are listed below:

    1. Full Names

    2. Marital status

    3. Occupation

    4. Age

    5. Father Name

    6. Copy of Birth Certificate

    7. Photo page of Passport or D/License

The Information requested is for both parties. If divorced you will need a copy of the divorce decree.

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